User-friendly client designed for browsing real estates scraped from sites that provide online classifieds such as Gumtree or OLX.
Dynamically allocates ratings calculated for each advertisement by validating locations from map coordinates, quality of photos as well as public transit capabilities.
An online platform developed at UEK Hack Cup designed for students and faculty staff of Cracow University of Economics.
Allows for distribution of important messages targeted to specific groups tied to different channels selected by the user.
Web client for AWS S3-compatible Object Storage that allows uploading files directly via browser to specified buckets.
Features support for directories, generating private and unique URLs to objects and two factor authentication. Can be hosted on Heroku-like services.
An award-winning solution for finding available dates in Polish National Health Fund institutions.
Provides an open API as well as both native and web cross-platform mobile apps.
App designed to provide a simplified and coherent way of organising rehearsals.
Allows the band members to easily check the lyrics and chords while playing a live gig.